Έμβρυο – Αμβλώσεις
- Tikhon, Archbishop of Washington, 2021 Address at the annual Prayer Service for the Unborn, Reflections in Christ, Orthodox Church in America, January 2021. [1], [2]
- Tikhon, Archbishop of Washington, 2021 Address at the Virtual March for Life, Reflections in Christ, Orthodox Church in America, January 2021. [1], [2]
- Farley, Lawrence Fr., Sanctity of Life: Covering the Massacre, Reflections in Christ, Orthodox Church in America, January 2015. [1], [2]
- Farley, Lawrence Fr., Listening to Lessons from the Unborn, Reflections in Christ, Orthodox Church in America, January 2013. [1], [2]
- Griniezakis, Makarios Archim. & Symeonides, Nathanael Deacon, Twin Conception (Didimogenesis) and Ensoulment, Human reproduction and Genetic Ethics, Vol. 15, 2009, p. 1.
- Nikolaos, Koios, Embryo and Foetus as Seen by Orthodox Church, Periodicum Biologorum, Vol. 3, No. 3, 2009, pp. 359-363.
- Hatzinikolaou, Nikolaos Archim., The Embryo and its Development in regards to its Formation as a Complete Human Being, Congrès Scientifique de Bioéthique, Éditions du Centre Orthodoxe du Patriarcat Oecuménique, 2008, pp. 47-58.
- Whitehead, John, Human Rights and the Barbaric Partial-Birth Abortion Technique, Reflections in Christ, Orthodox Church in America, June 2006.
- Breck, John Rev., Abortion Pain, Reflections in Christ, Orthodox Church in America, November 2004. [1], [2]
- Breck, John Rev., Torture in the Womb, Reflections in Christ, Orthodox Church in America, June 2004.
- Breck, John Rev., Fetal Farms, Reflections in Christ, Orthodox Church in America, January 2004.
- Breck, John Rev., The Larger Question, Reflections in Christ, Orthodox Church in America, August 2003.
- Breck, John Rev., Whose Body Is It, Anyway?, Reflections in Christ, Orthodox Church in America, May 2003.
- Breck, John Rev., The Status of the Unborn – Again, Reflections in Christ, Orthodox Church in America, January 2003.
- Breck, John Rev., Manipulation of the Human Person, Reflections in Christ, Orthodox Church in America, January 2002.
- Breck, Jean Archiprêtre, “Un Enfant Nous Est Né” l’Éthique Orthodoxe et l’Enfant qui Vient au Monde, Bioéthique Orthodoxe III-Institut de Théologie Orthodoxe Saint-Serge, 2000, pp. 11-24.
- Hatzinikolaou, Nikolaos Archim., Nature and Status of the Embryo, Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Bioethics, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, December 16-19, 1996.
- Garvey, John Fr., Orthodox Christians and Abortion, Family Life, Orthodox Church in America, Vol. 2, 1991.
- Protopapas, Valerie, Common Pro-Abortion Cliches and the Pro-Life Response, The Church on Current Issues, Orthodox Church in America.