Αρχές Βιοηθικής
Με τον αστερίσκο * σημειώνονται όσα από τα βιβλία περιλαμβάνονται στη βιβλιοθήκη του Κέντρου μας.
- Council of Europe Publishing: Bioethical Issues – Educational Fact Sheets, 2013
- *San José, Daniel García (Dir): Biolaw and Bioethics in Spain – Facing New Challenges of Science, Ediciones Laborum, 2010
- * Veatch, Robert M.; Hadda, Amy, M.; English, Dan C.: Case Studies in Biomedical Ethics, Oxford University Press, 2010
- *Campbell, Alastair V.: The Body in Bioethics, Routledge, 2009
- * Brody, Howard: The Future of Bioethics, Oxford University Press, 2009
- Henk A.M.J. ten Have, Michele S. Jean (dir.): UNESCO: La Declaration universelle sur la bioethique et les droits de l’homme, Unesco Publishing, 2009
- Arnardottir, Oddny Mjoll and Quinn, Gerard (Eds.): The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: European and Scandinavian Perspectives, Leiden and Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2009
- * Schmidt, Lawrence E. and Marratto, Scott: The End of Ethics in a Technological Society, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2008
- Henk A. M. J. ten Have and Michele S. Jean: Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights: Background, Principles and Application, UNESCO Publishing, 2008
- Macer, Darryl R. J.: Moral Games for Teaching Bioethics, Unesco Chair in Bioethics, 2008
- The Hastings Center: Bioethics Briefing Book, The Hastings Center, 2008
- Council of Europe: Bioethical Issues – Educational Fact Sheets, Council of Europe 2008
- Bartlett, Peter, Lewis, Oliver and Thorold, Oliver: Mental Disability and the European Convention on Human Rights, Leiden and Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2007
- Raymond G. De Vries, Turner, Leigh; Orfali, Kristina; Bosk, Charles: The View from here: Bioethics and the Social Sciences, Blackwell Publishing , 2007
- * Resnik, David B.: The Price of Truth, How Money Affects the Norms of Science, Oxford uinversity Press, 2007
- * Glannon, Walter: Bioethics and the Brain, Oxford University Press, 2007
- Greif, Karen F. and Merz, Jon F.: Current Controversies in the Biological Sciences, MIT Press, 2007
- * Baron, Jonathan: Against Bioethics, MIT Press, 2006
- * Bertrand, Mathieu: Europeans and their Rights – The Right to Life in European Constitutional and Conventional Case Law, Council of Europe Publishing, May 2006
- * Gert, Bernard; Culver, Charles M. and Clouser, Danner K.: Bioethics, A Systematic Approach, Oxford University Press, 2006
- * Engelhardt Jr., H. Tristram [Ed.]: Global Bioethics, M&M Scrivener Press, 2006
- Gert, B.; Culver, C. M.; Danner Clouser, K.: Bioethics: A Systematic Approach, OUP, 2006
- Gross, Michael L.: Bioethics and Armed Conflict, MIT Press, 2006
- Sowle Cahill, Lisa: Theological Bioethics: Participation, Justice, Change, Georgetown U.P., 2005
- European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies, General Report on the Activities of the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies to the European Commission 2000-2005, European Communities, 2005
- UNESCO: Bioethics Committees at Work: Procedures and Policies, UNESCO, October 2005
- UNESCO: Establishing Bioethics Committees, UNESCO, April 2005
- * Harris, John [Ed]: Bioethics, Oxford University Press, 2004
- * Kass, Leon R.: Life, Liberty and the Defense of Dignity, Encounter Books, 2004
- * Peppin, John F.; Cherry, Mark J. and Iltis, Ana [Eds]: The Annals of Bioethics, Religious Perspectives in Bioethics, Taylor & Francis Group plc, 2004
- McGee, Glenn [Ed]: Pragmatic Bioethics, MIT Press, 2003
- Mackler, Aaron L.: Introduction to Jewish and Catholic Bioethics: A Comparative Analysis, Georgetown University Press, October 2003
- Onora ONeill: Autonomy and Trust in Bioethics, Cambridge University Press, 2002
- Andre, Judith: Bioethics as Practice, The University of North Carolina Press, Fall/Winter 2002
- Bryant, John; Dr Baggott la Velle Linda and Revd Dr John Searle [Eds]: Bioethics for Scientists, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Published Online, 18 Apr 2002
- Kilner, John F.; Hook, Christopher C. and Uustal Diann B.: Cutting Edge Bioethics: A Christian Exploration of Technologies and Trends, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., March 2002
- Singer, Peter: Unsanctifying Human Life, Blackwell Publishing, 2001
- Kuczewski, Mark G. and Polansky, Ronald: Bioethics: Ancient Themes in Contemporary Issues, A Bradford Book, The MIT Press, 2000
- * Pence, Gregory E. and MD, Lanham: Re-creating Medicine: Ethical Issues at the Frontiers of Medicine, Rowman and Littlefield, 2000
- UNESCO, Dennerstein, Lorraine [Ed]: Women’s Rights and Bioethics, UNESCO, 2000