Με τον αστερίσκο * σημειώνονται όσα από τα βιβλία περιλαμβάνονται στη βιβλιοθήκη του Κέντρου μας.

  • Pollard, Irina: Bioscience Ethics, Cambridge University Press, 2009
  • * Solbakk, Jan Helge; Holm, Soren; Hofmann, Bjorn: The Ethics of Research Biobanking, Springer, 2009
  • * Sargent, Michael G.: Biomedicine and the Human Condition, Challenges, Risks and Rewards, Cambridge University Press, 2005
  • * Keating, Peter and Cambrosio, Alberto: Biomedical Platforms, Realigning the Normal and the Pathological in Late-Twentieth Century Medicine, MIT Press, 2003
  • Robbins-Roth, Cindy, Ph.D.; Robbins-Roth, Cynthia: From Alchemy to IPO The Business of Biotechnology, Perseus Publishing, 2000