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- Σχέσεις Ιατρού – Ασθενούς
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- Ψυχιατρική Ηθική
- Lemoine, Marie-Eve and Ravitsky, Vardit: Sleepwalking into Infertility: The Need for a Public Health Approach toward Advanced Maternal Age, The American Journal of Bioethics 15 (11): 37-48, November 2015.
- Brown, S. D.; Donelan, K.; Martins, Y.; Sayeed, S. A.; Mitchell, C.; Buchmiller, T. L.; Burmeister, K. and Ecker, J. L.: Does Professional Orientation Predict Ethical Sensitivities? Attitudes of Paediatric and Obstetric Specialists toward Fetuses, Pregnant Women and Pregnancy Termination, Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (2): 117-122, February 2014.
- Inmaculada de Melo-Martín, Sex Selection and the Procreative Liberty Framework, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 23 (1): 1-18, March 2013.
- Turney, L.: The making and breaking of paternity secrets in donor insemination, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (7): 401-406, July 2010.
- Malek, J.: Deciding against Disability: Does the Use of Reproductive Genetic Technologies Express Disvalue for People with Disabilities?, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (4): 217-221, April 2010.
- Shenfield, J.; de Mouzon, J.; Pennings, G.; Ferraretti, A.P.; Nyboe Andersen, A.; de Wert, G. and Goossens, V. the ESHRE taskforce on Cross border Reproductive Care: Cross border reproductive care in six European countries, Human Reproduction, Vol. 00, No. 0, pp. 1-8, March 2010.
- Asscher, E. and Koops, B-J: The Right not to Know and Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis for Huntington’s Disease, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (1): 30-33, January 2010.
- Chervenak, Frank A. and McCullough, Laurence B.: Preventive Ethics and Subsequent Care of Patients Self-Administering Ovarian Stimulation for the Management of Infertility, The Journal of Clinical Ethics 20 (3): 239-243, Fall 2009.
- Immaculada De Melo-Martin: Assisted Reproductive Technology in Spain: Considering Women’s Interests, Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (3): 228-235, July 2009.
- Solberg, B.: Getting beyond the Welfare of the Child in Assisted Reproduction, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (6): 373-376, June 2009.
- Tieu, M. M.: Altruistic Surrogacy: the Necessary Objectification of Surrogate Mothers, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (3): 171-175, March 2009.
- Tännsjö, T.: Our Right to in Vitro Fertilisation-its Scope and Limits, Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (11): 802-806, November 2008.
- Asch, Adrienne and Marmor, Rebecca: Assisted Reproduction, From Birth to Death and Bench to Clinic, The Hastings Center Bioethics Briefing Book, p. 5-10, 2008.
- Merhi, Z. O. and Pal, L.: Gender “Tailored” Conceptions: Should the Option of Embryo Gender Selection Be Available to Infertile Couples Undergoing Assisted Reproductive Technology?, Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (8): 590-593, August 2008.
- Siegel, S.; Dittrich, R. and Vollmann, J.: Ethical Opinions and Personal Attitudes of Young Adults Conceived by In Vitro Fertilisation, Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (4): 236-240, April 2008.
- Parker, Michael: The Best Possible Child, Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (5): 279-283, May 2007.
- Hale, B.: Culpability and Blame after Pregnancy Loss, Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (1): 24-27, January 2007.
- Strong, C.: Reproductive Cloning Combined with Genetic Modification, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (11): 654-658, November 2005.
- Petersen, T.S.: Just diagnosis? Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis and Injustices to Disabled People, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (4): 231-234, April 2005.
- Newson, A. J. & Smajdor, A. C.: Artificial Gametes: New paths to Parenthood? Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (3): 184-186, March 2005.
- Liao, S. M.: The Ethics of Using Genetic Engineering for Sex Selection, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (2): 116-118, February 2005.
- Rushbrooke, Rupert: Donor Insemination: The Secret Experiment, Bulletin of Medical Ethics 196: 13-22, March 2004.
- Braud, Peter and Pickering, Susan: Further Advances and Uses of Assisted Conception Technology, BMJ 327:1156-1158, November 2003.
- Braud, Peter and Rowell, Paula: Assisted conception. III-Problems with Assisted Conception, BMJ 327: 920-923, October 2003.
- Kriari-Catranis, Ismini: Human Assisted Procreation and Human Rights – The Greek response to the felt necessities of the time, European Journal of Health Law, Vol. 3, September 2003.
- Parens, Eric and Knowles, Lori: Reprogenetics and Public Policy: Reflections and Recommendations, Hastings Center Report (Supplement), July/August 2003.
- Wilkinson, Stephen: The Exploitation Argument against Commercial Surrogacy, Bioethics 17 (2): 169-187, April 2003.
- Pennings, Guido and De Wert, Guido: Evolving Ethics in Medically Assisted Reproduction, Human Reproduction Update 9 (4): 397-404, 2003.
- Pennings, G.: Reproductive Tourism as Moral Pluralism in Motion, Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (6): 337-341, December 2002.
- Orr, R. D. and Siegler, M.: Is Posthumous Semen Retrieval Ethically Permissible?, Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (5): 299-302, October 2002.
- Widdows, H & MacCallum, F.: Disparities in Parenting Criteria: an Exploration of the Issues, Focusing on Adoption and Embryo Donation, Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (3): 139-142, June 2002.
- Murray, Thomas H.: What Are Families For? Getting to an Ethics of Reproductive Technology, Hastings Center Report 32 (3): 41-45, May-June 2002.
- Appelbaum, Paul S.: Clarifying the Ethics of Clinical Research: A Path Toward Avoiding the Therapeutic Misconception, The American Journal of Bioethics (2): 22-23, Spring 2002.
- Savulescu, Julian: Is There a Right not to Be Born? Reproductive Decision Making, Options and the Right to Information, Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (2): 65-67, April 2002.
- Steinbock, Bonnie: Sex Selection: Not Obviously Wrong, Hastings Center Report 32 (1): 23-28, January-February 2002.
- Kriari-Catranis, Ismini: Rights of Embryo and Foetus in Public and Private Law, Revue hellénique, de droit international, vol. 55, afl. 1, pag. 259-274, 2002.