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- Kaddari, M.F.; Koslowsky, M. and Weingarten, M.A.: Ethical Behaviour of Physicians and Psychologists: Similarities and Differences, Journal of Medical Ethics, 44 (2): 97-100, February 2018.
- Murray, P.D.; Esserman, D. and Mercurio, M.R.: In What Circumstances will a Neonatologist Decide a Patient Is not a Resuscitation Candidate?, Journal of Medical Ethics, 42 (7): 429-434, July 2016.
- Li, R.H.; Wacholtz, M.C.; Barnes, M.; Boggs, L.; Callery,-D’Amico, S.; Davis, A.; Digilova, A.; Forster, D.; Heffernan, K.; Luthin, M.; Lynch, H.F.; McNair, L.; Miller, J.E.; Murphy, J.; Campen, L.V.; Wilenzick, M.; Wolf, D.; Woolston, C.; Aldinger, C. and Bierer, B.E.: Incorporating Ethical Principles into Clinical Research Protocols: a Tool for Protocol Writers and Ethics Committee, Journal of Medical Ethics, 42 (4): 229-234, April 2016.
- Brunnquell, Donald and Michaelson, Christopher M.: Moral Hazard in Pediatrics, The American Journal of Bioethics, 16 (7): 29-38, July 2016.
- Howe, Edmund G.: How Clinicians Can Reduce “Bullied Acquiescence”, The Journal of Clinical Ethics 27 (1): 3-13, Spring 2016.
- Hom, Lisa A.; Silber, Tomas J.; Ennis-Durstine, Kathleen; Hilliard, Mary Anne and Martin, Gerard R.: Legal and Ethical Considerations in Allowing Parental Exemptions from Newborn Critical Congenital Heart Disease (CCHD) Screening, The American Journal of Bioethics, 16 (1): 11-17, January 2016.
- Luchtenberg, Malou; Maeckelberghe, Els; Locock, Louise; Powell, Lesley and Verhagen, Eduard A. A.: Young People’s Experiences of Participation in Clinical Trials: Reasons for Taking Part, The American Journal of Bioethics 15 (11): 3-13, November 2015.
- Teixeira, C.; Ribeiro, O.; Fonseca, A. M. and Carvalho, A. S.: Ethical Decision Making in Intensive Care Units: a Burnout Risk Factor? Results from a Multicentre Study Conducted with Physicians and Nurses, Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (2):97-103, February 2014.
- Goold, I.: Why Does It Matter How We Regulate the Use of Human Body Parts?, Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (1): 3-9, January 2014.
- Pydah, K. L.; Howard, J.: The awareness and use of chaperons by patients in an English general practice, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (8): 512-513, August 2010.
- Montello, M.: Middlebrow Medical Ethics, Hastings Center Report 40 (4): 20-22, July-August 2010.
- Elger, Bernice; Michaud, Katarzyna and Mangin, Patrice: When Information Can Save Lives: The Duty to Warn Relatives about Sudden Cardiac Death and Environmental Risks, Hastings Center Report 40 (3): 39-45, May-June 2010.
- Scripko, P.D.: Enhancement’s Place in Medicine, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (5): 293-296, May 2010.
- Pascal, J. and Endacott, R.: Ethical and Existential Challenges Associated with a Cancer Diagnosis, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (5): 279-283, May 2010.
- Dale, E.: Is Supervised Community Treatment Ethically Justifiable?, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (5): 271-274, May 2010.
- Silverman, G.K.; Lowewenstein, G.F.; Anderson, B.L.; Ubel, P.A.; Zinberg, S. and Schulkin, J.: Failure to Discount for Conflict of Interest when Evaluating Medical Literature: a Randomised Trial of Physicians, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (5): 265-270, May 2010.
- Dare, T.; Findlay, M.; Browett, P.; Amies, K. and Anderson, S.: Paternalism in Practice: Informing Patients about Expensive Unsubsidised Drugs, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (5): 260-264, May 2010.
- Cribb, A.: Tranlational Ethics? The Theory-practice gap in Medical Ethics, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (4): 207-210, April 2010.
- Dua, A.: Apotemnophilia: Ethical Considerations of Amputating a Healthy Limb, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (2): 75-78, February 2010.
- Pruvost, M-O; Boraud, C. and Chariot, P.: Skeletal Age Determination in Adolescents Involved in Judicial Procedures: from Evidence-based Principles to Medical Practice, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (2): 71-74, February 2010.
- Gross, Michael L.: Medicalized Weapons and Modern War, Hastings Center Report 40 (1): 34-43, January-February 2010.
- Bishop, Jeffrey P; Brothers, Kyle B.; Perry, Joshua E. and Ahmad, Ayesha: Reviving the Conversation Around CPR/DNR, The American Journal of Bioethics, 10 (1): 61-67, January 2010.
- Diekema, Douglas S. and Fost, Norman: Ashley, Revisited: A Response to the Critics, The American Journal of Bioethics, 10 (1): 30-44, January 2010.
- Stirrat, G.M.; Johnston, C.; Gillon, R.; Boyd, K. on behalf of the Medical Education Working Group of the Institute of Medical Ethics and associated signatories: Medical Ethics and Law for Doctors of Tomorrow: the 1998 Consensus Statement Updated, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (1): 55-60, January 2010.
- Walter, J.K.; Lang, C.W. and Ross, L.F.: When Physicians Forego the Doctor-patient Relationship, Should They Elect to Self-prescribe or Curbside? An Empirical and Ethical Analysis, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (1): 19-23, January 2010.
- Damery, S.; Draper, H.; Wilson, S.; Greenfield, S.; Ives, J.; Parry, J.; Petts, J. and Sorell, T.: Healthcare Workers’ Perceptions of the Duty to Work during an Influenza Pandemic, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (1): 12-18, January 2010.
- Partridge, Brad; Underwood, Mair; Lucke, Jayne; Bartlett, Helen and Hall, Wayne: Ethical Concerns in the Community about Technologies to Extend Human Life Span, The American Journal of Bioethics, 9 (12): 68-76, December 2009.
- Miller, Franklin G. and Colloca, Luana: The Legitimacy of Placebo Treatments in Clinical Practice: Evidence and Ethics, The American Journal of Bioethics, 9 (12): 39-47, December 2009.
- Foddy, Bennett: A Duty to Deceive: Placebos in Clinical Practice, The American Journal of Bioethics, 9 (12): 4-12, December 2009.
- Burris, Scott and Davis, Corey: Assessing Social Risks Prior to Commencement of a Clinical Trial: Due Diligence or Ethical Inflation?, The American Journal of Bioethics, 9 (11): 48-54, November 2009.
- Schermer, M.: Telecare and Self-management: Opportunity to Change the Paradigm?, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (11): 688-691, November 2009.
- Hofmann, B.: Fallacies in the Arguments for New Technology: the Case of Proton Therapy, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (11): 684-687, November 2009.
- Dreyer, A.; Forde, R. and Notvedt, P.: Autonomy at the End of life: Life-prolonging Treatment in Nursing Homes-Relatives’ Role in the Decision-making Process, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (11): 672-677, November 2009.
- Pickersgill, M. D.: NICE Guidelines, Clinical Practice and Antisocial Personality Disorder: the Ethical Implications of Ontological Uncertainty, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (11): 668-671, November 2009.
- Frith, L.: Process and Consensus: Ethical Decision-making in the Infertility Clinic-a Qualitative Study, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (11): 662-667, November 2009.
- Tan, N and Brassington, I.: Agency, duties and the “Ashley treatment”, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (11): 658-661, November 2009.
- Gesundheit, Benjamin; Ash, Nachman; Blazer, Shraga and Rivkind, Avraham I.: Medical Care for Terrorists-To Treat or Not to Treat?, The American Journal of Bioethics 9 (10): 40-42, October 2009.
- Macpherson, C.: Undertreating Pain Violates Ethical Principles, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (10): 603-606, October 2009.
- Dwarswaard, J.; Hilhorst, M. and Trappenburg, M.: The Robustness of Medical Professional Ethics When Times are Changing: A Comparative Study of General Practitioner Ethics and Surgery Ethics in The Netherlands, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (10): 621-625, October 2009.
- Reiter-Theil, Stella: Dealing with the Normative Dimension in Clinical Ethics Consultation, Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (4): 347-359, October 2009.
- Richter, Gerd: Clinical Ethics as Liaison Service: Concepts and Experiences in Collaboration with Operative Medicine, Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (4): 360-370, October 2009.
- Aulisio, Mark P.; Moore, Jessica; Blanchard, May; Bailey, Marcia and Smith, Dawn: Clinical Ethics Consultation and Ethics Integration in an Urban Public Hospital, Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (4): 371-383, October 2009.
- Finder, Stuart G.: Is Consent Necessary for Ethics Consultation?, Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (4): 384-396, October 2009.
- Slowther, Anne: Ethics Case Consultation in Primary Care: Contextual Challenges for Clinical Ethicists, Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (4): 397-405, October 2009.
- Pfafflin, Margarete; Kobert, Klaus and Reiter-Theil, Stella: Evaluating Clinical Ethics Consultation: A European Perspective, Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (4): 406-419, October 2009.
- Patrone, D.: Disfigured Anatomies and Imperfect Analogies: Body Integrity Identity Disorder and the Supposed Right to Self-Demanded Amputation of Healthy Body Parts, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (9): 541-545, September 2009.
- Opel, D. J.; Wilfond, B. S.; Brownstein, D.; Diekema, D. S. and Pearlman, R. A.: Characterisation of Organisational Issues in Paediatric Clinical Ethics Consultation: a Qualitative Study, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (8): 477-482, August 2009.
- Card, R.: Federal Provider Conscience Regulation: Unconscionable, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (8): 471-472, August 2009.
- Louhiala, P.: The Ethics of the Placebo in Clinical Practice Revisited, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (7): 407-409, July 2009.
- Dekkers, Wim: Routine (Non-Religious) Neonatal Circumcision and Bodily Integrity: A Transatlantic Dialogue, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 19 (2): 125-146, June 2009.
- Kaldjian, L. C.; Erekson, Z. D.; Haberle, T. H.; Curtis, A. E.; Shinkunas, L. A.; Cannon, K. T. and Forman-Hoffman, V. L.: Code Status Discussions and Goals of Care among Hospitalised Adults, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (6): 338-342, June 2009.
- Lewens, T.: Enhancement and Human Nature: the Case of Sandel, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (6): 354-356, June 2009.
- Janssen, N. B. A. T.; Oort, F. J.; Fockens, P.; Willems, D. L.; H C J M de Haes, and Smets, E. M. A.: Under What Conditions Do Patients Want to Be Informed about their Risk of a Complication? A Vignette Study, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (5): 276-282, May 2009.
- Glannon, W.: Stimulating Brains, Altering Minds, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (5): 289-292, May 2009.
- Mohindra, R.: Positing a Difference between Acts and Omissions: the Principle of Justice, Rachels’ Cases and Moral Weakness, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (5): 293-299, May 2009.
- Gavaghan, C.: “You can’t Handle the Truth”; Medical Paternalism and Prenatal Alcohol Use, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (5): 300-303, May 2009.
- Molyneux, D.: Should Healthcare Professionals Respect Autonomy Just Because It Promotes Welfare?, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (4): 245-250, April 2009.
- Lawrence, R. E. and Curlin, F. A.: Autonomy, Religion and Clinical Decisions: Findings from a National Physician Survey, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (4): 214-218, April 2009.
- Tom Walker: What principlism misses, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (4): 229-231, April 2009.
- Barilan, Y. M.: Responsibility as a Meta-virtue: Truth-telling, Deliberation and Wisdom in Medical Professionalism, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (3): 153-158, March 2009.
- Baird, W.; Jackson, R.; Ford, H.; Evangelou, N.; Busby, M.; Bull, P. and Zajicek, J.: Holding Personal Information in a Disease-specific Register: the Perspectives of People with Multiple Sclerosis and Professionals on Consent and Access, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (2): 92-96, February 2009.
- Shaw, D. M.: Prescribing Placebos Ethically: the Appeal of Negatively Informed Consent, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (2): 97-99, February 2009.
- Hertogh, C. M. P. M.: The Role of Advance Euthanasia Directives as an Aid to Communication and Shared Decision-making in Dementia, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (2): 100-103, February 2009.
- Miles, Steven H.: Torture: The Bioethics Perspective, From Birth to Death and Bench to Clinic: The Hastings Center Bioethics Briefing Book, p. 169-172, 2008.
- Fleischman, Alan R.: Neonatal Care, From Birth to Death and Bench to Clinic: The Hastings Center Bioethics Briefing Book, p. 121-124, 2008.
- Berlinger, Nancy: Medical Error, From Birth to Death and Bench to Clinic: The Hastings Center Bioethics Briefing Book, p. 97-100, 2008.
- Johnston, Josephine: Intellectual Property and Biomedicine, From Birth to Death and Bench to Clinic: The Hastings Center Bioethics Briefing Book, p. 93-96, 2008.
- Frankel, Mark S. and Kapustij, Christina J.: Enhancing Humans, From Birth to Death and Bench to Clinic: The Hastings Center Bioethics Briefing Book, p. 55-58, 2008.
- Jennings, Bruce: Disaster Planning and Public Health, From Birth to Death and Bench to Clinic: The Hastings Center Bioethics Briefing Book, p. 41-44, 2008.
- Berlinger, Nancy: Conscience Clauses, Health Care Providers, and Parents, From Birth to Death and Bench to Clinic: The Hastings Center Bioethics Briefing Book, p. 35-40, 2008.
- Jotkowitz, A.: Theological Reflections on Donation after Circulatory Death: The Wisdom of Paul Ramsey and Moshe Feinstein, Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (10): 706-709, October 2008.
- Malm, Heidi; May, Thomas; Francis, Leslie P.; Omer, Saad B.; Salmon, Daniel A. and Hood, Robert: Ethics, Pandemics and the Duty to Treat, The American Journal of Bioethics, 8 (8): 4-19, August 2008.
- Steinkamp, Norbert L.; Gordijn, Bert and Henk, A.M.J. ten Have: Debating Ethical Expertise, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 18 (2): 173-192, June 2008.
- Zikmund-Fisher, B. J.; Lacey, H. P. and Fagerlin, A.: The Potential Impact of Decision Role and Patient Age on End-of-life Treatment Decision Making, Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (5): 327-331, May 2008.
- Wilson, J.: To What Extent Should Older Patients Be Included in Decisions Regarding Their Resuscitation Status?, Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (5): 353-356, May 2008.
- Grady, Christine; Danis, Marion; Soeken, Karen L.; O’Donnell, Patricia; Taylor, Carol; Farrar, Adrienne and Ulrich, Connie M.: Does Ethics Influence the Moral Action of Practicing Nurses and Social Workers?, The American Journal of Bioethics, 8 (4): 4-11, April 2008.
- McDougall, R.: A Resource-Based Version of the Argument that Cloning Is an Affront to Human Dignity, Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (4): 259-261, April 2008.
- Venneman, S.; Narnor-Harris, P .; Perish, M. and Hamilton, M.: “Allow Natural Death” versus “Do Not Resuscitate”: Three Words that Can Change a Life, Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (1): 2-6, January 2008.
- Quigley, Muireann: Property and the Body: Applying Honor?, Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (11): 631-634, November 2007.
- Baker, Robert B. and McCullough, Laurence, B.: The Relationship Between Moral Philosophy and Medical Ethics Reconsidered, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 17 (3): 271-276, September 2007.
- Roff, S. R.: Self-interest, Self-abnegation and Self-esteem: Towards a New Moral Economy of Non-directed Kidney Donation, Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (8): 437-441, August 2007.
- Takala, Tuija: Concepts of “Person” and “Liberty,” and Their Implications to Our Fading Notions of Autonomy, Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (4): 221-224, April 2007.
- Cremer, R.; Binoche, A.; Noizet,O.; Fourier, C.; Leteurtre, S. ; Moutel, G. and Leclerc, F. : Are the GFRUP’s Recommendations for Withholding or Withdrawing Treatments in Critically Ill Children Applicable ? Results of a Two-year Survey, Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (3): 128-133, March 2007.
- Rothstein, Mark A. and Talbott, Meghan K.: Compelled Authorizations for Disclosure of Health Records: Magnitude and Implications, The American Journal of Bioethics 7 (3): 38-45, March 2007.
- Taylor, J. S.: Black Markets, Transplant Kidneys and Interpersonal Coercion, Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (12): 698-701, December 2006.
- Murtagh, F.E.M. and Thorns, A.: Evaluation and Ethical Review of a Tool to Explore Patient Preferences for Information and Involvement in Decision Making, Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (6): 311-315, June 2006.
- Hilden, H.-M.; Honkasalo, M.-L. and Louhiala P.: Finnish Doctors and the Realization of Patient Autonomy in the Context of End of Life Decision Making, Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (6): 316-320, June 2006.
- Jennings, Bruce: The Ordeal of Reminding: Traumatic Brain Injury and the Goals of Care, Hastings Center Report 36 (2): 29-37, March-April 2006.
- Vince, T. and Petros, A.: Should Children’s Autonomy Be Respected by Telling Them of Their Imminent Death?, Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (1): 21-23, January 2006.
- Jenkins, G.; Merz, J.F. & Sankar, P.: A Qualitative Study of Women’s Views on Medical Confidentiality, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (9): 499-504, September 2005.
- Berghs, M.; Dierckx de Casterle, B. & Gastmans, C.: The Complexity of Nurses’ Attitudes toward Euthanasia: a Review of the Literature, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (8): 441-446, August 2005.
- Liegeois, A. & Van Audenhove, C.: Ethical Dilemmas in Community Mental Health Care, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (8): 452-456, August 2005.
- Miyata, H.; Takahashi, M.; Saito, T.; Tachimori, H. & Kai, I.: Disclosure Preferences Regarding Cancer Diagnosis and Prognosis: to Tell or Not to Tell?, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (8): 447-451, August 2005.
- Sahm, S.; Will, R.; Hommel, G.: Attitudes Towards and Barriers to Writing Advance Directives amongst Cancer Patients, Healthy Controls, and Medical Staff, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (8): 437-440, August 2005.
- Guedj, M.; Gibert, M.; Maudet, A.; Munoz Sastre, M.T.; Mullet, E. & Sorum, P.C.: The Acceptability of Ending a Patient’s Life, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (6): 311-317, June 2005.
- Forde, R. and Vandvik, I. H.: Clinical Ethics, Information and Communication: Review of 31 Cases from a Clinical Ethics Committee, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (2): 73-77, February 2005.
- Hurst, S.A.; Hull, S.C.; DuVal, G. and Danis, M.: How Physicians Face Ethical Difficulties: a Qualitative Analysis, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (1): 7-14, January 2005.
- Gross, Michael L.: Bioethics and Armed Conflict: Mapping the Moral Dimensions of Medicine and War, Hastings Center Report 34 (6): 22-30, November-December 2004.
- Farah, Martha J. and Wolpe, Paul Root: Monitoring and Manipulating Brain Function: New Neuroscience Technologies and Their Ethical Implications, Hastings Center Report 34 (3): 35-45, May-June 2004.
- Katz, Dana; Caplan, Arthur L. and Merz, Jon F.: All Gifts Large and Small: Toward an Understanding of the Ethics of the Pharmaceutical Industry Gift Giving, The American Journal of Bioethics 3 (3): 39-46, Summer 2003.
- Sharpe, Virginia A.: Promoting Patient Safety: An Ethical Basis for Policy Deliberation, A Special Supplement to the Hastings Center Report, July/August 2003.
- Beauchamp, T. L.: Methods and Principles in Biomedical Ethics, Journal of Medical Ethics 2003: 269-274, 2003.