Έμβρυο – Αμβλώσεις
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- Έμβρυο – Αμβλώσεις
- Έρευνα
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- Ιατρική Ηθική
- Ιατρικό Δίκαιο
- Κλωνοποίηση
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- Πληροφορημένη Συναίνεση
- Σχέσεις Ιατρού – Ασθενούς
- Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη
- Ψυχιατρική Ηθική
- Iltis, A.S.: Prenatal Screening and Prenatal Diagnosis: Contemporary Practices in Light of the Past, Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (6): 334-339, June 2016.
- DeBruin, Debra A.: Fetal Risks, Relative Risks, and Relatives’ Risks, The American Journal of Bioethics, 16 (2): 3-11, February 2016.
- Hardwig, John: Men and Abortion Decisions, Hastings Center Report/Special Report 45 (2): 41-45, March-April 2015.
- Shaw, M. D.: Justice and the Fetus: Rawls, Children and Abortion, Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 20 (1): 93-101, January 2011.
- Reitz, Daniela and Richter, Gerd: Current Changes in German Abortion Law, Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 19 (3): 334-343, July 2010.
- Sozou, P.D.; Sheldon, S. and Hartshorne, G.M.: Consent Agreements for Cryopreserved Embryos: The Case for Choice, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (4): 230-233, April 2010.
- Chan, Sarah and Harris, John: Consequentialism without Consequences: Ethics and Embryo Research, Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 19 (1): 61-74, January 2010.
- Resson, Ingmar and Savulescu, Julian: Actualizable Potential, Reproduction and Embryo Research: Bringing Embryos into Existence for Different Purposes or Not All, Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 19 (1): 51-60, January 2010.
- Gerrard, J. W.: Is It Ethical for a General Practitioner to Claim a Conscientious Objection When Asked to Refer for Abortion?, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (10): 599-602, October 2009.
- Ballantyne, Angela; Newson, Ainsley J.; Luna, Florencia and Ashcroft, Richard: Prenatal Diagnosis and Abortion for Congenital Abnormalities: Is It Ethical to Provide One Without the Other?, The American Journal of Bioethics 9 (8): 48-56, August 2009.
- Garcia, E.; Timmermans, D. R. M. and E. van Leeuwen: Reconsidering Prenatal Screening: an Empirical-ethical Approach to Understand Moral Dilemmas as a Question of Personal Preferences, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (7): 410-414, July 2009.
- Collyns, O.; Gillett, G. and Darlow, B.: Overlap of Premature Birth and Permissible Abortion, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (6): 343-347, June 2009.
- Steele, R.: Medical Students’ Attitudes to Abortion: a Comparison between Queen’s University Belfast and the University of Oslo, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (6): 390-394, June 2009.
- Steinbock, Bonnie: Abortion, From Birth to Death and Bench to Clinic: The Hastings Center Bioethics Briefing Book, p. 1-4, 2008.
- Strong, C.: A Critique of “the Best Secular Argument against Abortion”, Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (10): 727-731, October 2008.
- McCullough, Laurence B. and Chervenak, Frank A.: A Critical Analysis of the Concept and Discourse of ‘Unborn Child’, The American Journal of Bioethics, 8 (7): 34-39, July 2008.
- Ord, Toby: The Scourge: Moral Implications of Natural Embryo Loss, The American Journal of Bioethics, 8 (7): 12-19, July 2008.
- Parker, C.: Ethics for embryos, Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (10): 614-616, October 2007.
- Watt, Helen: Embryos and Pseudoembryos: Parthenotes, Reprogrammed Oocytes and Headless Clones, Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (9): 554-556, September 2007.
- Card, Robert F.: Conscientious Objection and Emergency Contraception, The American Journal of Bioethics 7 (6): 8-14, June 2007.
- Hyun, Insoo and Jung, Kyu Won: Human Research Cloning, Embryos, and Embryo-Like Artifacts, Hastings Center Report 36 (5): 34-41, September-October 2006.
- Himma, K.E.: A Dualist Analysis of Abortion: Personhood and the Concept of Self Qua Experiential Subject, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (1): 48-55, January 2005.
- Cheshire, William P.: Human Embryo Research and the Language of Moral Uncertainty, The American Journal of Bioethics 4 (1): 1-5, Winter 2004.
- Persson, Ingmar: Two Claims About Potential Human-Beings, Bioethics 17 (5/6): 506-516, October 2003.
- King, David: Why Should not Permit Embryos to Be Selected as Tissue Donors, Bulletin of Medical Ethics 190: 13-16, August 2003.
- Bellieni, Arlov: Withholding and Withdrawing Neonatal Therapy: An Alternative Glance, Ethics and Medicine 19 (2): 99-102, 2003.
- Hoedemaekers, Rogeer: Human Embryos, Human Ingenuity, and Government Policy, Ethics and Medicine 19 (2): 75-84, 2003.
- Nash, Madeleine: Inside the Womb, Time Magazine, November 2002.
- Pennings, G.: The Validity of Contracts to Dispose of Frozen Embryos, Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (5): 295-298, October 2002.
- Savulescu, J.: Abortion, Embryo Destruction and the Future of Value Argument, Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (3): 133-135, June 2002.
- Shaw, A.B.: Two Challenges to the Double Effect Doctrine: Euthanasia and Abortion, Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (2): 102-104, April 2002.
- Maienschein, Jane: What’s in a Name: Embryos, Clones and Stem Cells, The American Journal of Bioethics 1(2): 12-19, Winter 2002.
- Kriari-Catranis, Ismini: Rights of Embryo and Foetus in Public and Private Law, Revue hellénique, de droit international, vol. 55, afl. 1, pag. 259-274, 2002.