Περί Τέλους Ζωής
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- Ιατρικό Δίκαιο
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- Νοσηλευτική Ηθική
- Περί Τέλους Ζωής
- Πληροφορημένη Συναίνεση
- Σχέσεις Ιατρού – Ασθενούς
- Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη
- Ψυχιατρική Ηθική
- Nair-Collins, Michael and Miller, Franklin G.: Do the ‘brain dead’ merely appear to be alive?, Journal of Medical Ethics, August 2017.
- Merkel, R.: Killing or Letting Die? Proposal of a (somewhat) New Answer to Perennial Question, Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (6): 353-360, June 2016.
- Nair- Collins, Michael: Brain Death, Paternalism and the Language of “Death”, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 23 (1): 53-104, March 2013.
- Fritz, Z.; Fuld, J.: Ethical Issues Surrounding Do not Attempt Resuscitation Orders: Decisions, Discussions and Deleterious Effects, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (10): 593-597, October 2010.
- Miljeteig, I.; Johansson, K. A.; Sayeed, S. A.; Norheim, O.F.: End-of-life decisions as bedside rationing. An ethical analysis of life support restrictions in an Indian neonatal unit, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (8): 473-478, August 2010.
- Manippo, Kelli M. and DePriest, Jack L.: Patients Don’t Consider End-stage Medical Conditions the Same as Being Permanently Unconscious When Filling Out a Living Will, The Journal of Clinical Ethics 20 (4): 310-315, Winter 2009.
- Dreyer, A.; Forde, R. and Notvedt, P.: Autonomy at the End of life: Life-prolonging Treatment in Nursing Homes-Relatives’ Role in the Decision-making Process, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (11): 672-677, November 2009.
- Davis, George F.: The Diagnosis of Dying, The Journal of Clinical Ethics 20 (3): 262-263, Fall 2009.
- Hardwig, John: Going to Meet Death: The Art of Dying in the First Part of the Twenty-First Century, Hastings Center Report 39 (4): 37-44, July-August 2009.
- Beca, Pablo Juan; Rosselot, Eduardo; Asenjo, Rene Anguita, Veronica and Quevedo, Rafael: Deactivating Cardiac Pacemakers and Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators in Terminally Ill Patients, Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (3): 236-240, July 2009.
- Miller, Franklin G. and Truog, Robert D.: The Incoherence of Determining Death by Neurological Criteria: A Commentary on Controversies in the Determination of Detah, A White Paper by the President’s Council on Bioethics, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 19 (2): 185-194, June 2009.
- Small, Neil; Barnes, Sarah; Gott, Merryn; Payne, Sheila; Parker, Chris; Seamark, David and Gariballa, Salah: Dying, Death and Bereavement: a Qualitative Study of the Views of Carers of People with Heart Failure in the UK, BMC Medical Ethics, 8 (6), June 2009.
- Meisel, Alan: End of Life Care, From Birth to Death and Bench to Clinic: The Hastings Center Bioethics Briefing Book, p. 51-54, 2008.
- Keane, Michael: The Ethical “Elephant” in the Death Penalty “Room”, The American Journal of Bioethics, 8 (10): 45-50, October 2008.
- Cohen, J .; J van Delden, Mortier, F .; Löfmark, R.; Norup, M .; Cartwright, C .; Faisst, K .; Canova, C.; Onwuteaka-Philipsen, B .; Bilsen, J. and on behalf of the Eureld Consortium: Influence of Physicians’ Life Stances on Attitudes to End-of-life Decisions and Actual End-of-life Decision-Making in Six Countries, Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (4): 247-253, April 2008.
- Cellarius, V.: Terminal Sedation and the “Imminence Condition”, Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (2): 69-72, February 2008.
- Sulmasy, D. P.; Sood, J. R. and Ury, W. A.: Physicians’ Confidence in Discussing Do Not Resuscitate Orders with Patients and Surrogates, Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (2): 96-101, February 2008.
- Wojtasiewicz, Mary Ellen: Damage Compounded: Disparities, Distrust, and Disparate Impact in End-of-Life Conflict Resolution Policies, The American Journal of Bioethics 6 (5): 8-12, September/October 2006.
- Kissane, David W.: The Contribution of Demoralization to End of Life Decisionmaking, Hastings Center Report 34 (4): 21-31, July-August 2004.
- Koch, T.: The Challenge of Terry Schiavo: Lessons for Bioethics, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (7): 376-378, July 2005.
- Potts, M. & Evans, D.W.: Does It Matter that Organ Donors Are not Dead? Ethical and Policy Impications, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (7): 406-409, July 2005.
- Bagheri, Alireza: Criticism of “Brain Death” Policy in Japan, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 13 (4): 359-372, December 2003.
- Hershenov, David: The Problematic Role of ‘Irreversibility’ in the Definition of Death, Bioethics 17(1): 89-100, February 2003.
- Savulescu, J.: Death, Us and Our Bodies: Personal Reflections, Journal of Medical Ethics 29: 127-130, 2003.
- Cherniack, E. P.: Increasing Use of DNR Orders in the Elderly Worldwide: Whose Choice Is It?, Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (5): 303-307, October 2002.
- Perkin R.M. & Resnik D.B.: The Agony of Agonal Respiration: Is the Last Gasp Necessary?, Journal of Medical Ethics 28(3): 164-169, June 2002.
- Persson, Ingmar: Human Death – A View from the Beginning of Life, Bioethics 1 (1): 20-32, February 2002.