• Fins, Joseph J.: Giving Voice to Consciousness: Neuroethics, Human Rights and the Indispensability of Neuroscience, Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 25 (4): 583-599, October 2016.
  • Klein, Eran; Brown, Tim, Sample, Matthew; Truitt, Anjali, R. and Goering, Sara: Engineering the Brain, Hastings Center Report 45 (6):26-35, November-December 2016.
  • Hui, K. and Fisher, C.E.: The Ethics of Molecular Memory Modification, Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (7):515-520, July 2015.
  • Rossi, John; Newschaffer, Craig and Yudell, Michael: Autism Spectrum Disorders, Risk Communication and the Problem of Inadvertent Harm, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 23 (2):105-138, June 2013.
  • Wolpe, P. R.; Foster, K. R.; Langleben, D. D.: Emerging Neurotechnologies for Lie-Detection: Promises and Perils, The American Journal of Bioethics 10 (10): 40-48, October 2010.
  • Fins, J. J.; Schiff, N. D.: Conflicts of Interest in Deep Brain Stimulation Research and the Ethics of Transparency, The Journal of Clinical Ethics 21 (2): 125-132, Summer 2010.
  • Glannon, W.: Consent to Deep Brain Stimulation for Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders, The Journal of Clinical Ethics 21 (2): 104-111, Summer 2010.
  • Bell, E; Racine, E.: Deep Brain Stimulation, Ethics, and Society, The Journal of Clinical Ethics 21 (2): 101-103, Summer 2010.
  • Cakic, V.: Smart Drugs for Cognitive Enhancement: Ethical and Pragmatic Considerations in the Era of Cosmetic Neurology, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (10): 611-615, October 2009.
  • Wilkinson, D. J.; Kahane, G. Horne, M. and Savulescu, J.: Functional neuroimaging and withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment from vegetative patients, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (8): 508-511, August 2009.
  • Racine, E. and Forlini, C.: Expectations regarding cognitive enhancement create substantial challenges, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (8): 469-470, August 2009.
  • Suchy-Dicey, Carolyn: It Takes Two; Ethical Dualism in the Vegetative State, Neuroethics, May 2009.
  • Varelius, Jukka: Minimally Conscious State and Human Dignity, Neuroethics 2 (1): April 2009.
  • Kaposy, Chris: Will Neuroscientific Discoveries about Free Will and Selfhood Change our Ethical Practices?, Neuroethics 2 (1): April 2009.
  • Hoggard, N.; Darwent, G.; Capener, D.; Wilkinson, I. D. and Griffiths, P. D.: The High Incidence and Bioethics of Findings on Magnetic Resonance Brain Imaging of Normal Volunteers for Neuroscience Research, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (3): 194-199, March 2009.
  • Hedberg, Katrina; Hokins, David; Leman, Richard and Kohn, Melvin: The 10-Year Experience of Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act: 1998-2007, The Journal of Clinical Ethics 20 (2): 124-132, Summer 2009.
  • Olick, Robert S.; Braun, Eli A. and Potash, Joel: Accommodating religious and Moral Objections to Neurological Death, The Journal of Clinical Ethics 20 (2): 183-191, Summer 2009.
  • Giordano, James: The Neuroscience of Pain, and a Neuroethics of Pain Care, Neuroethics, February 2009.
  • Inneke, Bolt and Schermer, Maattje: Psychopharmaceutical Enhancers: Enhancing Identity?, Neuroethics 2: 103-111, January 2009.
  • Fins, Joseph J.: Brain Injury: The Vegetative and Minimally Conscious States, From Birth to Death and Bench to Clinic: The Hastings Center Bioethics Briefing Book, p. 15-20, 2008.
  • Fins, Joseph J.; Illes, Judy; Bernat, James L.; Hirsch, Joy; Laureys, Steven and Murphy, Emily: Neuroimaging and Disorders of Consciousness: Envisioning an Ethical Research Agenda, The American Journal of Bioethics 8 (9): 3-12, September 2008.
  • Meegan, Daniel V.: Neuroimaging Techniques for Memory Detection: Scientific, Ethical and Legal Issues, The American Journal of Bioethics 8 (1): 9-20, January 2008.
  • Dees, Richard H.: Better Selves? The Ethics of Neuroenhancements, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 17 (4): 371-395, December 2007.
  • Tovino, Stacey A.: Functional Neuroimaging and the Law: Trends and Directions for Future Scholarship, The American Journal of Bioethics 7 (9): 44-56, September 2007.
  • Cooley, Dennis R.: A Kantian Moral Duty for the Soon-to-be Demented to Commit Suicide, The American Journal of Bioethics 7 (6): 37-44, June 2007.
  • Canli, Turhan; Brandon, Susan; Casebeer, William; Crowley, Philip J.; DuRousseau, Don; Greely, Henry T. and Pascual-Leone, Alvaro: Neuroethics and National Security, The American Journal of Bioethics 7 (5): 3-13, May 2007.
  • Greely, Henry T.; Cho, Mildred, K.; Hogle, Linda F. and Satz, Debra M.: Thinking About the Human Neuron Mouse, The American Journal of Bioethics 7 (5): 27-40, May 2007.
  • Antommaria, Armand Matheny: “Who Should Survive?: One of the Choices on Our Conscience”: Mental Retardation and the History of Contemporary Bioethics, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 16 (3): 205-224, September 2006.
  • Eastman N. and Starling B.: Mental Disorder Ethics: Theory and Empirical Investigation, Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (2): 94-99, February 2006.
  • Northoff, Georg: Neuroscience of Decision Making and Informed Consent: An Investigation in Neuroethics, Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (2): 70-73, February 2006.
  • Schneider, P. L. and Bramstedt, K. A.: When Psychiatry and Bioethics Disagree about Patient Decision Making Capacity (DMC), Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (2): 90-93, February 2006.