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- Ιατρικό Δίκαιο
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- MacCormick F. M. A.; Emmett, C.; Paes, P. and Hyghes, J. C.: Resuscitation Decisions at the End of Life: Medical Views and the Juridification of Practice, Journal of Medical Ethics 444 (6): 376-383, June 2018.
- White, B. P.; Willmott, L.; Williams, G.; Cartwright, C. and Parker, M.: The Role of Law in Decisions to Withhold and Withdraw Life-sustaining Trteament from Adults who Lack Capacity: A cross-sectional Study, Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (5): 327-333, May 2016.
- Mason Pope, Thaddeus and Kemmerling, Kristine: Legal Briefing: Stopping Nonbeneficial Life-Sustaining Treatment without Consent, The Journal of Clinical Ethics 27 (3): 254-264, Fall 2016.
- Sheldon, S.: The Regulatory Cliff Edge between Contraception and Abortion: the Legal and Moral Significance of Implantation, Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (9): 766-770, September 2015.
- Stanton, C.: Maternal Transmission of HIV infection: A Crime against my Child?, Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (5): 375-378, May 2015.
- Sen, G. and Guven, T.: Examining the Ethico-legal Aspects of the Right to Refuse Treatment in Turkey, Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (10): 632-635, October 2013.
- Pope, T. M.: Legal Briefing: Conscience Clauses and Conscientious Refusal, The Journal of Clinical Ethics 21 (2): 163-176, Summer 2010.
- Buiting, H.M.; Karelse, M.A.C.; Brouwers, H.A.A.; Onwuteaka-Philipsen, B.D.; A van der Heide; J.J. M. van Delden: Dutch Experience of Monitoring Active Ending of Life for Newborns, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (4): 234-237, April 2010.
- Tapp, L.; Edwards, A.; Elwyn, G.; Holm, S. and Eriksson, T.: Quality Improvement in General Practice: Enabling General Practitioners to Judge Ethical Dilemmas, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (3): 184-188, March 2010.
- J De Wispelaere and Stirton, L.: Advance Commitment: An Alternative Approach to the Family Veto Problem in Organ Procurement, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (3): 180-183, March 2010.
- Ogden, R.D.; Hamilton, W.K. and Whitcher, C.: Assisted Suicide by Oxygen Deprivation with Helium at a Swiss Right-to- die Organisation, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (3): 174-179, March 2010.
- Ito, T.; Nobutono, K.; Fujimiya, T. and Yoshida, K.: Importance of Explanation before and after Forensic Autopsy to the Bereaved Family: Lessons from a Questionnaire Study, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (2): 103-105, February 2010.
- Walter, Jennifer K.; Pappano, Elizabeth and Ross, Lainie Friedman: A Descriptive and Moral Evaluation of Providing Informal Medical Care to One’s Own Children, The Journal of Clinical Ethics 20 (4): 353-361, Winter 2009.
- Appel, J. M.: Mixed Motives, Mixed Outcomes When Accused Parents Won’t Agree to Withdraw Care, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (10): 635-637, October 2009.
- Pope, Thaddeus Mason: Legal Briefing: Medical Futility and Assisted Suicide, The Journal of Clinical Ethics 20 (3): 274-286, Fall 2009.
- Sorensen, K.: Genetic Enhancements and Expectations, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (7): 433-435, July 2009.
- Moratti, S.: The Development of “Medical Futility”: towards a Procedural Approach Based on the Role of the Medical Profession, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (6): 369-372, June 2009.
- Sonderholm, J.: Paying a High Price for Low Costs: Why there should Be no Legal Constraints on the Profits that can Be Made on Drugs for Tropical Diseases, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (5): 315-319, May 2009.
- Aramesh, K.: Iran’s Experience with Surrogate Motherhood: an Islamic View and Ethical Concerns, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (5): 320-322, May 2009.
- Jones, David A.: What Does the British Public Think about Human-animal Hybrid Embryos?, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (3): 168-170, March 2009.
- Tieu, M. M.: Altruistic Surrogacy: the Necessary Objectification of Surrogate Mothers, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (3): 171-175, March 2009.
- Tännsjö, T.: Our Right to in Vitro Fertilisation-its Scope and Limits, Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (11): 802-806, November 2008.
- Stretton, D.: Critical notice-Defending life: A Moral and Legal Case against Abortion Choice by Francis J Beckwith, Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (11): 793-797, November 2008.
- Maschke, Karen J.: DNA and Law Enforcement, From Birth to Death and Bench to Clinic: The Hastings Center Bioethics Briefing Book, p. 45-50, 2008.
- Bosshard, G.; Broeckaert, B.; Clark, D.; Materstvedt, L. J.; Gordijn, B. and Müller-Busch, H. C.: A Role for Doctors in Assisted Dying? An Analysis of Legal Regulations and Medical Professional Positions in Six European Countries, Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (1): 28-32, January 2008.
- Krizova, Eva and Simek, Jiri: Theory and Practice of Informed Consent in the Czech Republic, Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (5): 273-277, May 2007.
- Andorno, R.: Global Bioethics at UNESCO: in Defence of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (3): 150-154, March 2007.
- Bagheri, A.: Individual Choice in the Definition of Death, Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (3): 146-149, March 2007.
- Haddow, G.: “Because You’re Worth It?” The Taking and Selling of Transplantable Organs, Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (6): 324-328, June 2006.
- Ram, N. R.: Britain’s New Preimplantation Tissue Typing Policy: an Ethical Defence, Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (5): 278-282, May 2006.
- Wilkinson, T.M.: Individual and Family Consent to Organ and Tissue Donation: Is the Current Position Coherent?, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (10): 587-590, October 2005.
- Fineschi, V.; Neri, M. & Turillazzi, E.: The New Italian Law on Assisted Reproduction Technology (Law 40/2004), Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (9): 536-539, September 2005.
- Perez-Carceles, M.D.; Pereniguez, J.E.; Osuna, E. & Luna, A.: Balancing Confidentiality and the Information Provided to Families of Patients in Primary Care, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (9): 531-535, September 2005.
- Giordano, S.: Is the Body a Republic?, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (8): 470-475, August 2005.
- Devolder, K.: Creating and Sacrificing Embryos for Stem Cells, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (6): 341-342, June 2005.
- Kishore, R. R.: Human Organs, Scarcities and Sale: Morality Revisited, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (6): 362-365, June 2005.
- Jeena, P.M.; McNally, L.M.; Stobie M.; Coovadia H.M.; Adhikari, M.A. & Petros A.J.: Challenges in the Provision of ICU Services to HIV Infected Children in Resource Poor Settings: a South African Case Study, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (4): 226-230, April 2005.
- Kriari-Catranis, Ismini: Human Assisted Procreation and Human Rights – The Greek response to the felt necessities of the time, European Journal of Health Law, Vol. 3, September 2003.
- Kriari-Catranis, Ismini: Genetic Data and Confidentiality, the Estonian Experiment, Law Hum Genome Rev. (19): 147-57, Jul-Dec 2003.
- Kriari-Catranis, Ismini: Xenotransplantation: Legal Problems, Revue hellénique, de droit international, vol. 56, afl. 2, pag. 327-349, 2003.
- Harvard Law & Health Care Society: Recent Developments in Health Law, Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 30 (3), Fall 2002.
- Kriari-Catranis, Ismini: Rights of Embryo and Foetus in Public and Private Law, Revue hellénique, de droit international, vol. 55, afl. 1, pag. 259-274, 2002.