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- Gelinas, Luke; Pierce, Robin; Winkler, Sabune; Glenn Cohen I.; Lynch, Holly Fernandez and Bierer, Barbara E.: Using Social Media as a Research Recruitment Tool: Ethical Issues and Recommendations, The American Journal of Bioethics 17 (3): 3-14, March 2017.
- Gelinas, Luke; Wertheimer, Alan and Miller, Franklin G.: When and Why Is Research without Consent permissible?, Hastings Center Report 46 (2): 35-43, March-April 2016.
- Grady, Christine; Eckstein, Lisa; Berkman, Ben; Brock, Dan; Cook-Deegan, Robert; Fullerton, Stephanie M.; Greely, Hank; Hansson, Mats G.; Hull, Sara; Kim, Scott; Lo, Bernie; Pentz, Rebecca; Rodriguez, Laura; Weil, Carol; Wilfond, Benjamin S. and Wendler, David: Broad Consent for Research with Biological Samples: Workshop Conclusions, The American Journal of Bioethics 15 (9): 34-42, September 2015.
- Mandava, Amulya; Millum, Joseph and Berkman, Benjamin E.: When Should Genome Researchers Disclose Misattributed Parentage?, The Hastings Center Report/Special Report, 45 (4): 28-36, July-August 2015.
- Graham, M.; Weijer, C.; Peterson, A.; Naci, L.; Cruse, D.; Fernandez-Espejo, D.; Gonzalez-Lara, L. and Owen, A.M.: Acknowledging Awareness: Informing Families of Individual Research Results for Patients in the Vegetative State, Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (7): 534-538, July 2015.
- Rhodes, R.: Rethinking Research Ethics, The American Journal of Bioethics, 10 (10): 19-36, October 2010.
- Wilson, J.; Hunter, D.: Research Exceptionalism, The American Journal of Bioethics, 10 (8): 45-54, August 2010.
- Sofaer, N.; Eyal, N.: The Diverse Ethics of Translational Research, The American Journal of Bioethics, 10 (8): 19-30, August 2010.
- London, A. J.; Zollman, K. J. S.: Research at the Auction Block: Problems for the Fair Benefits Approach to International research, Hastings Center Report 40 (4): 34-45, July-August 2010.
- Lie, R. K.: The Fair Benefits Approach revisited, Hastings Center Report 40 (4): 3, July-August 2010.
- Murphy, T. F.: Sex, Romance, and Research Subjects: An Ethical Exploration, The American Journal of Bioethics, 10 (7): 30-38, July 2010.
- Chahal, M.: Off-trial access to experimental cancer agents for the terminally ill: balancing the needs of individuals and society, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (6): 367-370, June 2010.
- Ballantyne, A. J.: How to Do Research Fairly in an Unjust World, The American Journal of Bioethics, 10 (6): 26-35, June 2010.
- Sachs, B.: The Case of Evidence-Based Rulemaking in Human Subjects Research, The American Journal of Bioethics, 10 (6): 3-13, June 2010.
- Macklin, R.: Ethical Rules, Policies, or Guidance?, The American Journal of Bioethics, 10 (6): 1-2, June 2010.
- Rwabihama, J-P; Girre, C. and Duguet, A.-M.: Ethics Committees for Biomedical Research in Some African Emerging Countries: Which Establishment for Which Independence? A Comparison with the USA and Canada, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (4): 243-249, April 2010.
- Dhai, A.; Etheredge, H. and Cleaton-Jones, P.: A Pilot Study Evaluating an Intervention Designed to Raise Awareness of Clinical Trials among Potential Participants in the Developing World, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (4): 238-242, April 2010.
- Strech, D.: How Factual Do We Want the Facts? Criteria for a Critical Appraisal of Empirical Research for Use in Ethics, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (4): 222-225, April 2010.
- Woodgate, R.L. and Edwards M.: Children in Health Research: A Matter of Trust, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (4): 211-216, April 2010.
- Kitua, A.; Folb, P.; Warsanme, M.; Binka, F.; Faiz, A.; Ribeiro, I.; Peto, T.; Gyapong, J.; Yunus, E.B.; Rahman, R.; Baiden, F.; Clerk, C.; Mrango, Z.; Makasi, C.; Kimbute, O.; Hossain, A.; Samad, R. and Gomes, M.: The Use of Placebo in a Trial of Rectal Artesunate as Initial Treatment for Severe Malaria Patients en route to Referral Clinics: Ethical Issues, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (2): 116-120, February 2010.
- Lorenzo, C.; Garaffa, V.; Solbakk, J.H. and Vidal, S.: Hidden Risks Associated with Clinical Trials in Developing Countries, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (2): 111-115, February 2010.
- Nathan, A.T.; Hoehn, K.S.; Ittenbach, R.F.; Gaynor, J.W.; Nicolson, S.; Wernovsky, G. and Nelson R.M.: Assessment of Parental Decision-making in Neonatal Cardiac Research: a Pilot Study, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (2): 106-110, February 2010.
- Hallowell, N.; Cooke, S.; Crawford, G.; Lucassen, A.; Parker, M. and Snowdon, C.: An Investigation of Patients’ Motivations for their Participation in Genetics-related Research, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (1): 37-45, January 2010.
- Chenaud, C.; Merlani, P.; Verdon, M. and Ricou, B.: Who Should Consent for Research in Adult Intensive Care? Preferences of Patients and their Relatives: a Pilot Study, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (11): 709-712, November 2009.
- Teisseyre, N.; Duarte dos Reis, I.; Sorum, P. C. and Mullet, E.: The Acceptability among French Lay Persons of Ending the Lives of Damaged Newborns, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (11): 701-708, November 2009.
- Hernandez, R.;, Cooney, M.; Duale, C.; Galvez, M.; Gaynor, S.; Kardos, G.; Kubiak, C.; Mihaylov, S.; Pleiner, J.; Ruberto, G.; Sanz, N.; Skoog, M.; Souri, P.; Stiller, C. O.; Strenge-Hesse, A.; Vas, A.; Winter, D. and Carne,; X.: Research ethics: Harmonisation of Ethics Committees’ Practice in 10 European countries, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (11): 696-700, November 2009.
- Schumn, W. R.; Nazarinia, R. R. and Bosch, K. R.: Unanswered Questions and Ethical Issues Concerning US Biodefence Research, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (10): 594-598, October 2009.
- Knapp, P. Raynor, D. K. Silcock, J. and Parkinson, B.: Performance-based Readability Testing of Participant Materials for a phase I trial: TGN1412, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (9): 573-578, September 2009.
- Ashton, C. M.; Wray, N. P.; Jarman, A. F.; Kolman, J. M.; Wenner, D. M. and Brody, B. A.: Ethics and Methods in Surgical Trials, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (9): 579-583, September 2009.
- Liao, Matthew S.; Sheehan, Mark and Clarke, Steve: The Duty to Disclose Adverse Clinical Trial Results, The American Journal of Bioethics 9 (8): 24-32, August 2009.
- Jansen, Lynn A.: The Ethics of Altruism in Clinical Research, Hastings Center Report 39 (4): 26-36, July-August 2009.
- Koffman, J.; Morgan, M.; Edmonds, P.; Speck, P. and Higginson, I. J.: Vulnerability in Palliative Care Research: Findings from a Qualitative Study of Black Caribbean and White British Patients with Advanced Cancer, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (7): 440-444, July 2009.
- Miller, F. G. and Joffe, S.: Limits to Research Risks, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (7): 445-449, July 2009.
- Swartling, U.; Helgesson, G.; Hansson, M. G. and Ludvigsson, J.: Split Views among Parents Regarding Children’s Right to Decide about Participation in Research: a Questionnaire Survey, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (7): 450-455, July 2009.
- Dixon-Woods, M. and Angell, E. L.: Research Involving Adults who Lack Capacity: How Have Research Ethics Committees Interpreted the Requirements?, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (6): 377-381, June 2009.
- Davies, H.; Wells, F. and Czarkowski, M.: Standards for Research Ethics Committees: Purpose, Problems and the Possibilities of Other Approaches, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (6): 382-383, June 2009.
- Dunlop, B. W. and Banja, J.: A Renewed, Ethical Defense of Placebo-controlled Trials of New Treatments for Major Depression and Anxiety Disorders, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (6): 384-389, June 2009.
- Oprea, L.; Braunack-Mayer, A. and Gericke, C. A.: Ethical Issues in Funding Research and Development of Drugs for Neglected Tropical Diseases, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (5): 310-314, May 2009.
- Merrell, D. A.: Erring on the Side of Life: the Case of Terri Schiavo, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (5): 323-325, May 2009.
- Arnason, Gardar and Anton van Niekerk: Undue Fear of Inducements in Research in Developing Countries, Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (2): 122-129, April 2009.
- Jacobsen, K. H.: Reporting of Ethics-related Methods in Epidemiological Research, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (4): 262-267, April 2009.
- Rieke van der Graaf and Johannes J. M. van Delden: What is the Best Standard for the Standard of Care in Clinical Research?, The American Journal of Bioethics, 9 (3): 35-43, March 2009.
- Hoggard, N.; Darwent, G.; Capener, D.; Wilkinson, I. D. and Griffiths, P. D.: The High Incidence and Bioethics of Findings on Magnetic Resonance Brain Imaging of Normal Volunteers for Neuroscience Research, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (3): 194-199, March 2009.
- Luty, J.; Arokiadass, S. M. R.; Easow, J. M. and Anapreddy, J. R.: Preferential Publication of Editorial Board Members in Medical Specialty Journals, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (3): 200-202, March 2009.
- Wendler, David: Must Research Participants Understand Randomization?, The American Journal of Bioethics, 9 (2): 3-8, February 2009.
- Hallowell, N.; Cooke, S.; Crawford, G.; Parker, M. and Lucassen, A.: Healthcare Professionals’ and Researchers’ Understanding of Cancer Genetics Activities: a Qualitative Interview Study, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (2): 113-119, February 2009.
- Gelbart, B.; Barfield, C. and Watkins, A.: Ethical and Legal Considerations in Video Recording Neonatal Resuscitations, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (2): 120-124, February 2009.
- A van der Vorm, Vernooij-Dassen, M. J. F. J.; Kehoe, P. G.; Olde Rikkert M. G. M.; E van Leeuwen, and Dekkers, W. J. M.: Ethical Aspects of Research into Alzheimer Disease. A European Delphi Study Focused on Genetic and Non-Genetic Research, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (2): 140-144, February 2009.
- Voo Teck Chuan, Chin, Jacqueline , and Campbell, Alastair V.: Multinational Research, From Birth to Death and Bench to Clinic: The Hastings Center Bioethics Briefing Book, p. 107-110, 2008.
- Johnston, Josephine: Conflict of Interest in Biomedical Research, From Birth to Death and Bench to Clinic: The Hastings Center Bioethics Briefing Book, p. 31-34, 2008.
- Grady, Christine: Clinical Trials, From Birth to Death and Bench to Clinic: The Hastings Center Bioethics Briefing Book, p. 21-24, 2008.
- Fisher, Celia B.; Oransky, Matthew; Mahadevan, Meena; Singer, Merrill; Mirhej, Greg and Hodge, Derrick: Marginalized Populations and Drug Addiction Research: Realism, Mistrust, and Misconception, IRB: Ethics & Human Research May-June 2008.
- Baylis, F. and McLeod, C.: The Stem Cell Debate Continues: The Buying and Selling of Eggs for Research, Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (12): 726-731, December 2007.
- Kimmelman, Jonathan: The Therapeutic Misconception at 25: Treatment, Research and Confusion, Hastings Center Report 37 (6): 36-42, November- December 2007.
- Parker, C.: Ethics for embryos, Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (10): 614-616, October 2007.
- Watt, Helen: Embryos and Pseudoembryos: Parthenotes, Reprogrammed Oocytes and Headless Clones, Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (9): 554-556, September 2007.
- Wendler, D. and Miller, F. G.: Assessing Research Risks Systematically: the Net Risks Test, Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (8): 481-486, August 2007.
- Miller, Franklin G. and Wertheimer, Alan: Facing Up to Paternalism in Research Ethics, Hastings Center Report 37 (3): 24-34, May-June 2007.
- Selgelid, Michael J.: A Tale of Two Studies: Ethics, Bioterrorism, and the Censorship of Science, Hastings Center Report 37 (3): 35-43, May-June 2007.
- Festing, Simon and Wilkinson, Robin: The Ethics of Animal Research, EMBO reports 8 (6): 526-530, 2007.
- Gannon, Frank: Animal Rights, Human Wrongs?, EMBO reports 8 (6): 519-520, 2007.
- Rollin, Bernard E.: Animal Research: A Moral Science, EMBO reports 8 (6): 521-525, 2007.
- Ravitsky, Vardit and Wilfond, Benjamin S.: Disclosing Individual Genetic Results to Research Participants, The American Journal of Bioethics 6 (6): 8-17, November/December 2006.
- Denker, H.-W.: Potentiality of Embryonic Stem Cells: an Ethical Problem Even with Alternative Stem Cell Sources, Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (11): 665-671, November 2006.
- Miller, P.B. and Weijer, C.: Trust Based Obligations of the State and Physician-Researchers to Patient-Subjects, Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (9): 542-547, September 2006.
- MacNeil, S. D. and Fernandez, C. V.: Informing Research Participants of Research Results: Analysis of Canadian University Based Research Ethics Board Policies, Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (1): 49-54, January 2006.
- Shaffer D. N.; Yebei, V. N.; Ballidawa, J. B.; Sidle, J. E.; Greene, J. Y.; Meslin, E. M.; Kimaiyo, S. J. N. and Tierney, W. M.: Equitable Treatment for HIV/AIDS Clinical Trial Participants: a Focus Group Study of Patients, Clinician Researchers, and Administrators in Western Kenya, Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (1): 55-60, January 2006.
- Eriksson, S. and Helgesson, G.: Keep People Informed or Leave Them Alone? A Suggested Tool for Identifying Research Participants Who Rightly Want Only Limited Information, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (11): 674-678, November 2005.
- Helgesson, G.; Ludvigsson, J. and Gustafson Stolt, U: How to Handle Informed Consent in Longitudinal Studies When Participants Have a Limited Understanding of the Study, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (11): 670-673, November 2005.
- Orentlicher, David: Making Research a Requirement of Treatment: Why We Should Sometimes Let Doctors Pressure Patients to Participate in Research, Hastings Center Report 35 (5): 20-28, September-October 2005.
- Fry, C.L.; Ritter, A.; Baldwin, S.; Bowen, K.J.; Gardiner, P.; Holt, T.; Jenkinson, R. & Johnston, J.: Paying Research Participants: a Study of Current Practices in Australia, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (9): 542-547, September 2005.
- Russell, F. M.; Carapetis, J. R.; Liddle, H.; Edwards, T.; Ruff, T. A. & Devitt, J.: A Pilot Study of the Quality of Informed Consent Materials for Aboriginal Participants in Clinical Trials, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (8): 490-494, August 2005.
- Garrard, E. & Dawson, A.: What is the Role of the Research Ethics Committee? Paternalism, Inducements, and Harm in Research Ethics, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (7): 419-423, July 2005.
- Hansson, M.G.: Building on Relationships of Trust in Biobank Research, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (7): 415-418, July 2005.
- Iltis, A.S.: Stopping Trials Early for Commercial Reasons: the Risk-benefit Relationship as Moral Compass, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (7): 410-414, July 2005.
- Buchanan, David and Miller, Franklin G.: Principles of Early Stopping of Randomized Trials for Efficacy: A Critique of Equipoise and an Alternative Nonexploitation Ethical Framework, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 15 (2): 161-178, June 2005.
- Edwards, S. D. & McNamee, M. J.: Ethical Concerns Regarding Guidelines for the Conduct of Clinical Research on Children, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (6): 351-354, June 2005.
- Rosin, A. J. & Y van Dijk: Subtle Ethical Dilemmas in Geriatric Management and Clinical Research, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (6): 355-359, June 2005.
- Thombs, J.; Borthwick, N. J.; Hungerford, J. L. & Cree, I. A.: Recruiting Donors for Autopsy Based Cancer Research, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (6): 360-361, June 2005.
- Karpowicz, Phillip; Cohen, Cynthia B. and van der Kooy, Derek: Developing Human-Nonhuman Chimeras in Human Stem Cell Research: Ethical Issues and Boundaries, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 15 (2): 107-134, June 2005.
- Wiggins, Osborne P.; Barker, John H.; Martinez, Serge; Vossen, Marieke, Maldonado, Claudio; Grossi, Federico; Francois, Cedric G.; Cunningham, Michael; Perez-Abadia, Gustavo; Kon, Moshe and Banis, Joseph C.: On the Ethics of Facial Transplantation Research, The American Journal of Bioethics 4 (3): 1-12, Summer 2004.
- Levine, Carol; Faden, Ruth; Grady, Christine; Hammerschmidt, Dale; Eckenwiler, Lisa and Sugarman, Jeremy: The Limitations of “Vulnerability” as a Protection for Human Research Participants, The American Journal of Bioethics 4 (3): 44-49, Summer 2004.
- Davis, Dena S.: Genetic Research and Communal Narratives, Hastings Center Report 34 (4): 40-49, July-August 2004.
- Wicclair, Mark R. and DeVita, Michael: Oversight of Research Involving the Dead, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14 (2): 143-164, June 2004.
- Participants in the 2001 Conference on Ethical Aspects of Research in Developing Countries: Moral Standards for Research in Developing Countries, Hastings Center Report 34 (3): 17-27, May-June 2004.
- Sharp, Helen M. and Orr, Robert D.: When “Minimal Risk” Research Yields Clinically-Significant Data, Maybe the Risks Aren’t So Minimal, The American Journal of Bioethics 4 (2): W32-W36, Spring 2004.
- Morreim, E. Haavi: High-Profile Research and the Media: The Case of the Abio-Cor Artificial Heart, Hastings Center Report 34 (1): 11-24, January-February 2004.
- Richardson, Henry S. and Belsky, Leah: The Ancillary-Care Responsibilities of Medical Researchers: An Ethical Framework for Thinking about the Clinical Care that Researchers Owe Their Subjects, Hastings Center Report 34 (1): 25-33, January-February 2004.
- Evans, H. M.: Should Patients Be Allowed to Veto Their Participation In Clinical Research?, Journal of Medical Ethics 30: 198-203, 2004.
- Appelbaum, Paul S.: Clarifying the Ethics of Clinical Research: A Path Toward Avoiding the Therapeutic Misconception, The American Journal of Bioethics 2 (2): 22-23, Spring 2002.