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- Alfano, Mark: Placebo Effects and Informed Consent, The American Journal of Bioethics 15 (10): 3-12, October 2015.
- Ploug, Thomas and Holm, Søren, Holm: Doctors, Patients and Nudging in the Clinical Context-Four Views on Nudging and Informed Consent, The American Journal of Bioethics 15 (10): 28-38, October 2015.
- Helgesson, G.; Eriksson, S.: Does Informed Consent Have an Expiry Date?, Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 20 (1): 85-92, January 2011.
- Potts, M.; Verheijde, J. L.; Rady, M. Y.; Evans, D. W.: Normative consent and presumed consent for organ donation: a critique, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (8): 497-500, August 2010.
- Fovargue, S.; Miola, J.: One step forward, two steps back? The GMC, the common law and “informed” consent, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (8): 494-497, August 2010.
- Holm, S.: The concise argument, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (8): 451, August 2010.
- Larkin, L. G.: Patient Willingness to Be Seen by Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, and Residents in the Emergency Department: Does the Presumption of Assent Have an Empirical Basis?, The American Journal of Bioethics, 10 (8): 1-10, August 2010.
- Berg, J.: Review of The Ethics of consent, eds. Franklin G. Miller and Alan Wertheimer, The American Journal of Bioethics, 10 (7): 71-72, July 2010.
- Dolgin, Janet L.: The Laegal Development of the Informed Consent Doctrine: Past and Present, Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 19 (1): 97-109, January 2010.
- Resnik, D.B.: Re-consenting Human Subjects: Ethical, Legal and Practical Issues, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (11): 656-657, November 2009.
- Appelbaum, Paul S.; Lidz, Charles W. and Klitzman, Robert: Voluntariness of Consent to Research: A Conceptual Model, Hastings Center Report 39 (1): 30-39, January-February 2009.
- Streiffer, Robert: Informed Consent and Federal Funding for Stem Cell Research, Hastings Center Report 38 (3): 40-47, May-June 2008.
- Easton, Raul B.; Graber, Mark A.; Monnahan, Jay and Hughes, Jason: Defining the Scope of Implied Consent in the Emergency Department, The American Journal of Bioethics 7 (12): 35-38, December 2007.
- Kimmelman, Jonathan: The Therapeutic Misconception at 25: Treatment, Research and Confusion, Hastings Center Report 37 (6): 36-42, November- December 2007.
- Whitney, Simon N. McCullough, Laurence B.: Physicians’ Silent Decisions: Because Patient Autonomy Does Not Always Come First, The American Journal of Bioethics 7 (7): 33-38, July 2007.
- Schmitz, D. and Reinacher, P.C.: Informed Consent in Neurosurgery-translating Ethical Theory into Action, Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (9): 497-498, September 2006.
- Jansen, Lynn A.: A Closer Look at the Bad Deal Trial: Beyond Clinical Equipoise, Hastings Center Report 35 (5): 29-36, September-October 2005.
- Orentlicher, David: Making Research a Requirement of Treatment: Why We Should Sometimes Let Doctors Pressure Patients to Participate in Research, Hastings Center Report 35 (5): 20-28, September-October 2005.
- Wendler, David: Protecting Subjects Who Cannot Give Consent: Toward a Better Standard for “Minimal” Risks, Hastings Center Report 35 (5): 37-43, September-October 2005.
- Russell, F. M.; Carapetis, J. R.; Liddle, H.; Edwards, T.; Ruff, T. A. & Devitt, J.: A Pilot Study of the Quality of Informed Consent Materials for Aboriginal Participants in Clinical Trials, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (8): 490-494, August 2005..
- Jepson, R.G.; Hewison, J.; Thompson, A.G.H. & Weller, D.: How Should We Measure Informed Choice?, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (4): 192-196, April 2005
- Jones, D. G.; Gear, R. and Galvin, K. A.: Stored Human Tissue: An Ethical Perspective on the Fate of Anonymous, Archival Material, Journal of Medical Ethics, 29: 343-347, December 2003.
- Furness, Peter: Consent to Using Human Tissue, British Medical Journal 327:759-760, October 2003.
- Agre, Patricia; Campbell, Frances A.; Goldman, Barbara D.; Boccia, Maria L.; Kass, Nancy; McCullough, Laurence B.; Merz, Jon F.; Miller, Suzanne M.; Mintz, Jim; Rapkin, Bruce; Sugarman, Jeremy; Sorenson, James and Wirshing, Donna: Improving Informed Consent: The Medium Is Not the Message, Ethics & Human Research 25 (5): 11-19, September-October 2003.
- Broome, Marion E.; Kodish, Eric; Geller, Gail and Siminoff, Laura A.: Children in Research: New Perspectives and Practices for Informed Consent, Ethics & Human Research 25 (5): 20-25, September-October 2003.
- Brazier, M.: Organ Retention and Return: Problems of Consent, Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (1): 30-33, February 2003.
- Harris, John: Consent and End of Life Decisions, Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (1): 10-15, February 2003.
- O’ Neill, O.: Some limits of informed consent, Journal of Medical Ethics, 29 (1): 4-7, February 2003
- Wicclair, Mark R.: Informed Consent and Research Involving the Newly Dead, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 12 (4): 351-372, December 2002.
- Hyun, Insoo.: Waiver of Informed Consent, Cultural Sensitivity, and the Problems of Unjust Families and Traditions, Hastings Center Report 32 (5): 14-22, September-October 2002.