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- Ψυχιατρική Ηθική
- Overby, Kim J. and Fins, Joseph J.: Organ Transplantation for Individuals with Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 25 (2): 272-281, April 2016.
- Overby, Kim. J.; Weinstein, Michael, S. and Fiester, Autumn: Addressing Consent Issues in Donation After Circulatory Determination of Death, The American Journal of Bioethics 15 (8): 3-9, August 2015.
- Cronin, A. J.; Harris, J.: Authorisation, altruism and compulsion in the organ donation debate, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (10): 627-631, October 2010.
- Marquis, Don: Are DCD Donors Dead?, Hastings Center Report 40 (3): 24-31, May-June 2010.
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- Diamandis, P.: The Cost of Autonomy: Estimates from Recent Advances in Living Donor Kidney Transplantation, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (3): 155-159, March 2010.
- Maple, N.H.; Hadjianastassiou, V.; Jones, R. and Mamomde, N.: Understanding Risk in Living Donor Nephrectomy, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (3): 142-147, March 2010.
- Saunders, B.: Normative Consent and Opt-out Organ Donation, Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (2): 84-87, February 2010.
- Gardiner, Dale Sparrow, Robert: Not Dead Yet: Controlled Non-Heart Beating Organ Donation, Consent and the Dead Donor Rule, Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 19 (1): 17-26, January 2010.
- Miller, F. G.: Death and Organ Donation: Back to the Future, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (10): 616-620, October 2009.
- Delaney, James and Hershenov, David B.: Why Consent May Not Be Needed for Organ Procurement, The American Journal of Bioethics 9 (8): 3-10, August 2009.
- Schicktanz, S. and Schweda, M.: “One Man’s Trash is Another Man’s Treasure”: Exploring Economic and Moral Subtexts of the “Organ Shortage” Problem in Public Views on Organ Donation, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (8): 473-476, August 2009.
- Gil-Diaz, Carlos: Spain’s Record Organ Donations: Mining Moral Conviction, Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (3): 256-261, July 2009.
- Louhiala, P.: Bone Marrow Transplantation in the Prevention of Intellectual Disability due to Inherited Metabolic Disease: Ethical Issues, Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (7): 415-418, July 2009.
- Kerstein, Samuel: Kantian Condemnation of Commerce in Organs, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 19 (2): 147-170, June 2009.
- Schweda, Mark and Schicktanz, Silke: The “Spare Parts Person”? Conceptions of the Human Body and Their Implications for Public Attitudes towards Organ Donation and Organ Sale, Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 4 (4), 2009.
- Dubois, James M.: Increasing Rates of Organ Donation: Exploring the Institute of Medicine’s Boldest Recommendation, The Journal of Clinical Ethics 20 (1): 13-22, Spring 2009.
- Wall, Stephen P.; Dubler, Nancy N. and Goldfrank, Lewis R. on behalf of the New York City Uncontrolled Donation after Cardiac Death Study Group: Transplanting the IOM’s “Boldest Recommendation” into Accepted Practice, The Journal of Clinical Ethics 20 (1): 23-26, Spring 2009.
- Miller, Ronald B.: Public Policy Should Facilitate Organ Donation for Transplantation: A Commentary on Increasing Rates of Organ Donation: Exploring the IOM’s Boldest Recommendation, The Journal of Clinical Ethics 20 (1): 27-33, Spring 2009.
- Miller, Franklin G. and Truog, Robert D.: Rethinking the Ethics of Vital Organ Donations, Hastings Center Report 38 (6): 38-46, November-December 2008.
- Caplan, Arthur: Organ Transplantation, From Birth to Death and Bench to Clinic: The Hastings Center Bioethics Briefing Book, p. 129-132, 2008.
- Jotkowitz, A.: Theological Reflections on Donation after Circulatory Death: The Wisdom of Paul Ramsey and Moshe Feinstein, Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (10): 706-709, October 2008.
- White, B. E. and Brassington, I.: Facial Allograft Transplants: Where’s the Catch?, Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (10): 723-726, October 2008.
- Roff, S. R.: Self-interest, Self-abnegation and Self-esteem: Towards a New Moral Economy of Non-directed Kidney Donation, Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (8): 437-441, August 2007.
- Machado, Calixto; Kerein, Julius; Ferrer, Yazmina; Portela, Liana; Maria de la C García, and José M. Manero: The Concept of Brain Death Did Not Evolve to Benefit Organ Transplants, Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (4): 197-200, April 2007.
- Taylor, J. S.: Black Markets, Transplant Kidneys and Interpersonal Coercion, Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (12): 698-701, December 2006.
- Popp, F.C.; Eggert, N.; Hoy, L.; Lang,S.A.; Obed, A.; Piso, P.; Schlitt, H.J. and Dahlke, M.H.: Who Is Willing to Take the Risk? Assessing the Readiness for Living Liver Donation in the General German Population, Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (7): 389-394, July 2006.
- Haddow, G.: “Because You’re Worth It?” The Taking and Selling of Transplantable Organs, Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (6): 324-328, June 2006.
- Zink, Sheldon; Wertlieb, Stacey; Catalano, John and Marwin, Victor: Examining the Potential Exploitation of UNOS Policies, The American Journal of Bioethics 5 (4): 6-10, July/August 2005.
- Al-Khader, A.A.: A Model of Scoring and Grading Willingness of a Potential Living Related Donor, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (6): 338-340, June 2005.
- Giles, S.: An Antidote to the Emerging Two Tier Organ Donation Policy in Canada: the Public Cadaveric Organ Donation Program, Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (4): 215-220, April 2005.
- Steinberg, David: An “Opting In” Paradigm for Kidney Transplantation, The American Journal of Bioethics 4 (4): 4-14, Fall 2004.
- Campbell, Courtney S.: Harvesting the Living?: Separating Brain Death and Organ Transplantation, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14 (3): 301-318, September 2004.
- Fost, Norma: Reconsidering the Dead Donor Rule: Is It Important That Organ Donors Be Dead?, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14 (3): 249-260, September 2004.
- Schmidt, Tracy C.: The Ohio Study in Light of National Data and Clinical Experience, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14 (3): 235-240, September 2004.
- Shewmon, Alan D.: The Dead Donor Rule: Lessons from Linguistics, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14 (3): 277-300, September 2004.
- Siminoff, Laura A.; Burant, Christopher and Youngner, Stuart J.: Death and Organ Procurement: Public Beliefs and Attitudes, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14 (3): 217-234, September 2004.
- Veatch, Robert M: Abandon the Dead Donor Rule or Change the Definition of Death?, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14 (3): 261-276, September 2004.
- Wiggins, Osborne P.; Barker, John H.; Martinez, Serge; Vossen, Marieke, Maldonado, Claudio; Grossi, Federico; Francois, Cedric G.; Cunningham, Michael; Perez-Abadia, Gustavo; Kon, Moshe and Banis, Joseph C.: On the Ethics of Facial Transplantation Research, The American Journal of Bioethics 4 (3): 1-12, Summer 2004.
- Spital, Aaron: Conscription of Cadaveric Organs for Transplantation: Neglected Again, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 13 (2): 169-174, June 2003.
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- Etzioni, Amitai: Organ Donation: A Communitarian Approach, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 13 (1): 1-18, March 2003.
- Kahn, Jeffrey P.: Three Views of Organ Procurement Policy: Moving Ahead or Giving Up?, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 13 (1): 45-50, March 2003.
- Koppelman, Elysa R.: The Dead Donor Rule and the Concept of Death: Severing the Ties That Bind Them, The American Journal of Bioethics 3 (1): 1-9, Winter 2003.
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