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- Ψυχιατρική Ηθική
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- Walters, LeRoy: Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research: An Intercultural Perspective, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14(1): 3-38, March 2004.
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- Faden, Ruth R.; Dawson, Liza; Bateman-House, Alison S.; Agnew, Dawn Mueller; Bok, Hilary; Brock, Dan W.; Aravinda, Chakravarti; Gao, Xiao-jiang; Greene, Mark; Hansen, John A.; King, Patricia A.; O’Brien, Stephen J.; Sachs, David H.; Schill, Kathryn E.; Siegel, Andrew; Solter, Davor; Suter, Sonia M.; Verfaillie, Catherine M.; Walters, LeRoy B. and Gearhart, John D.: Public Stem Cell Bank: Considerations of Justice in Stem Cell Research and Therapy, Hastings Center Report 33 (6): 13-27, November-December 2003.
- Wolf, Susan M.; P. Kahn, Jeffrey and E. Wagner, John: Using Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis to Create a Stem Cell Donor: Issues, Guidelines & Limits, Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 31: 3, Fall 2003.
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- Heinamann, Thomas and Honnefelder, Ludger: Principles of Ethical Decisions Making Regarding Embryonic Stem Cell Research in Germany, Bioethics 16 (6): 530-543, November 2002.
- Holm, Soren: Going to the Roots of the Stem Cell Controversy, Bioethics 16 (6): 493-507, November 2002.
- Fins, Joseph J. and Schachter, Madeleine: Patently Controversial: Markets, Morals and the President’s Proposal for Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 12 (3): 265-278, October 2002.
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